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Privacy Policy

Sivoz Mexico, S.A de C.V. (Sivoz), is responsible for the safekeeping and confidentiality of the information provided to it, therefore, that Sivoz will inform the user what type of data it collects, how it stores them, the purpose of the file, how it protects them, the scope of its commitment to confidentiality and the rights that the user has as owner of the information, as established by the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals. This privacy statement is applicable to all holders of personal data.

Type of information collected:

Personal data that will be subject to processing:

a)For the purpose of recruiting personnel hired by a third party and assigned to Sivoz or contracted by it, are collected:

Name, address, country of birth, nationality, occupation, profession, activity or line of business, telephone numbers, Unique Population Registry Code, Federal Taxpayer Registry Code, financial information and additional data necessary for the development of the activity to which it is dedicated.

b) For the complaint process, the following will be collected:

Name, telephone numbers, e-mail, which will be recorded in a database, duly protected for the purpose of answering such complaints and for statistical controls.

c) In order to carry out collection, delivery of information and documentation and collection procedures, personal data is transferred to us by its different clients, with whom the data owners have an obligation to comply, in terms of article 10 section IV of the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals. Such as:

Full name, home and work address, telephone numbers, reference telephone numbers, personal and work e-mails, RFC, CURP, zip code, credit number and account number.

Sivozwill not collect sensitive data, being understood as such: those that may reveal aspects such as racial or ethnic origin, present and future health status, genetic information, religious, philosophical and moral beliefs, union membership, political opinions, sexual preference, in accordance with article 3 section VI of the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Private Parties.

Purpose of the information:

The information referred to in paragraph a) of the preceding section will be processed for personnel selection and recruitment purposes, in accordance with the hiring policies of SivozIn addition, such information may be transferred to a third party for hiring purposes, to carry out analysis of labor results, development of activities related to the functions of the position held, as well as to various companies that enter into a contract with the responsible party in search of offers for the benefit of the holder, such as commercial promotions, credits, health and welfare campaigns, for the purpose of exchanging labor references and to its various clients for auditing purposes or any other requirement of these, related to labor issues.

The information referred to in paragraph b) of the preceding section shall be processed for statistical purposes and internal consultation by the areas of Sivozto provide a personalized response to any complaints that may arise.

In the event that you object to the transfer of your personal data, referred to in paragraph a) above, you will have 5 calendar days, from the time you become aware of this privacy notice, to express your opposition in writing, by mail or telephone, directly to the person in charge for the exercise of the ARCO Right, referred to in this privacy notice and in the event that you do not do so, it will be understood that you are giving your consent to perform the transfer of your data.

The information referred to in paragraph c) will be used strictly for the purpose of enforcing outstanding obligations with respect to its contractors. It is understood as the collection and delivery of information and documentation, telephone and field collection efforts, including investigations, locations and obtaining new personal data, which will be protected by this privacy notice, with the sole purpose defined in this paragraph; as well as non-collection telephone calls to your references, such information may be forwarded to third parties, with whom you contracted the original obligation, with the sole purpose defined in this paragraph. Notwithstanding this purpose, we will adjust in the use of your data, to Article 10 Section IV of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties, in this case, it will not be necessary to obtain your express consent for its use, in accordance with the exception set forth below:

Exception of consent to the processing of personal data:

SivozWithin its corporate purpose, it receives information from various clients, such as banks, credit institutions, individuals or legal entities that are transferred to it, for the purpose of providing a service for the recovery of past-due loans or that required by the aforementioned individuals or legal entities, which contains personal data, so that if it receives any communication or request from the client, it will be able to receive the personal data of those individuals or legal entities. SivozThe reason for a legal act, business, request or service that you have received or performed with a different individual or legal entity, whether private or public, is that the original institution responsible for your personal data has transferred it to Sivoz to comply with the terms stipulated in the relationship that unites them. The above in accordance with the privacy notice that has been communicated to you by the previously defined means.

In accordance with the provisions of Article 10, Section IV, as well as Article 37, Section VII, of the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals, any personal data obtained as an integral part of the collection processes, including location and investigation activities, will be used strictly for the purpose of ensuring compliance with its obligations, and, in accordance with the same precept, in this case, it will not be necessary to obtain your express consent for its use.

The foregoing in accordance with the provisions of Article 10 of the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals:

“...Article 10.- Consent shall not be necessary for the processing of personal data when:

It is provided for in a Law.

The data is contained in publicly available sources.

Personal data are subjected to a prior dissociation procedure.

Have the purpose of fulfilling obligations arising from a legal relationship between the owner and the responsible.

An emergency situation exists that could potentially harm an individual's person or property.

Are indispensable for medical care, prevention, diagnosis, the provision of health care, medical treatment or the management of health services, as long as the holder is not in a position to grant consent, in the terms established by the General Health Law and other applicable legal provisions and that such data processing is carried out by a person subject to professional secrecy or equivalent obligation, a resolution is issued by a competent authority...”.

Likewise, during the collection and delivery of information and documentation, telephone and field collection efforts, including investigations, locations and obtaining new personal data, erroneous telephone numbers may be obtained, which may be deleted from our databases, with a simple request addressed to the person in charge of personal data, making the ARCO right unnecessary. Likewise Sivoz Mexico , S.A de C.V. (Sivoz), shall have the character of CHARGEEE, with respect to the data submitted by the originator of the obligation to be fulfilled and shall act as RESPONSIBLE for the new data obtained by the collection, location and investigation management.

Validity of the information: 

For the purposes of paragraph a) of the section called type of information collected, it will be the time that the employment relationship lasts, whether assigned to Sivoz or contracted by it and once it is terminated, they will be destroyed within a period of 12 months for legal control purposes, except for the name and address, which will be used to provide references and to maintain the acceptance of confidentiality of the information processed by the exercise of their functions.

If the contracting is not carried out, the personal data obtained will be destroyed within 6 months.

In the complaint process, the personal data obtained will be purged every 6 months.

For the purposes of paragraph c), the personal data obtained will be used for the duration of the collection, delivery of information and documentation and collection procedures, and once the collection is completed, it will be destroyed within a period of 60 months for legal control purposes.

Confidentiality of information:

Sivoz will not sell or lend your personal data to any third party, except as provided in the purpose of information section of this privacy notice. It will only disclose them by requirements of the competent authority.

Protection of personal data:

To prevent unauthorized access and disclosure, maintain data accuracy and ensure the correct use of the information provided. Sivoz uses appropriate physical, technical and administrative procedures to protect the information it collects.

The personal information provided is stored in computer systems with limited access.

ARCO Rights:

Regarding your personal data, you may exercise your rights of Access, Rectification, Cancellation and Opposition (ARCO Rights), in writing or electronically addressed to the person in charge of the exercise of the ARCO Rights, referred to in this privacy notice in accordance with the third and fourth articles of the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals. In order for your request to be processed, it must include each and every one of the requirements set forth in Articles 89 and 90 of the Regulations of the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals, as well as Article 29 of the same Law, which are as follows:

“Article 29.- The request for access, rectification, cancellation or opposition shall contain and be accompanied by the following:

The name of the owner and address or other means of communicating the response to your request.

The documents proving the identity or, if applicable, the legal representation of the holder.

The clear and precise description of the personal data in respect of which it is sought to exercise any of the aforementioned rights, and any other element or document that facilitates the location of the personal data...”

The only person entitled to exercise the ARCO right is the Data Subject, who must exercise it before the person responsible for the processing of personal data and if he/she does not obtain a satisfactory response, he/she may go to the IFAI to file a complaint, in accordance with the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals.

Manifestation of refusal for the processing of personal data: 

Likewise, the owner of the personal data may express his/her refusal for the processing of personal data, in writing, verbally or by e-mail, directly to the person in charge for the exercise of the ARCO Right, referred to in this privacy notice.

Revocation of consent:

In the event that you wish to revoke your consent to the processing of your personal data, in accordance with this privacy notice, you will have to do so in writing, by e-mail or verbally directly to the person in charge for the exercise of the ARCO Right, referred to in this privacy notice.

Responsible for the exercise of the ARCO right:

The person in charge of exercising the ARCO Right will be the Information Management Department, and can be contacted at the following e-mail addresses: and or by calling: 477 779 4888. This person will also be responsible for handling requests for refusal of the processing of personal data and revocation of consent for the processing of such data.

Changes in the privacy notice:

Sivoz reserves the right to modify this Privacy Notice in the future. In any case, any modification to it will be made known to you by publishing it on the website

Acceptance of terms:

This Privacy Notice, forms a legally valid agreement and therefore it is understood that you accept the processing of your Personal Data if within a period of 5 days from January 06, 2014 or from the date you become aware of this Privacy Notice, you do not make any opposition in accordance with the right of ARCO, provided in the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties.

Information security policy:

To maintain the client portfolio and their trust by preserving the security of their information in terms of confidentiality, integrity and availability, minimizing the risks of its management and ensuring business continuity through the continuous improvement of an information security system and complying with the requirements applicable to the organization.

Date of update: 

The Privacy Notice was last updated on July 22, 2024.

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